Guy-Junior Meiresonne
Sales Representative Central-African Republic

Guy-Junior Meireonnse's career has led him to carry out various travels and professional exchanges that allowed him to interact with different people of different levels in order to better understand market differences according to the cultures, expectations and needs of the population and their leaders.
Guy-Junior Meiresonne is a thirty-year-old dynamic and passionate about business and their culmination.
His broad experience allowed him to acquire a good knowledge of European commercial techniques as well as that of Africa, thus allowing him to position himself as a perfect link between the differences that may exist between these two distinct economic models.
Meticulous and endowed with a sense of detail, he does not hesitate to go to meet all the links of the chain in order to know all the details and thus to ensure the success of the projects.
His determination and his versatile side, were indispensable to him during the realization of his various professional projects.
Business Development
Pluricultural Sales
Bachelor in foreign trade and insurance, his school curriculum as well as his professional career have allowed him to deepen his knowledge in the business environment.

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Per December 31, 2023, this member has left SECOIA and has no further authority to bind the company