The CROC-Authentication component allows operators /authorities to verify individuals against the registered biographic and biometric data and facial image. The CROC-Authentication component is highly mobile and independent from utilities. Actually, it is the identical system as for the data-enrollment, with custom-applications.
Identity authentication can be done against the registered record on the local or central database or against the CROC personalized document. An individual can be searched in the device database based on a ID number, with name or surname, or simply by scanning a barcode from the existing CROC-Document.

The CROC-Datacapturing device can verify biographical data, portraits, fingerprints and data from documents
(a) Selecting registration entry
(b) Verification of a subjects biometrics
The CROC-Authentication system supports public authorities and organizations in administering various verification processes, either completely based on the stored data, or based on the CROC-Documents.
Due to its flexible form factor, The CROC-documents allows users to add additional member data such as family updates, housing or medical updates.
√ Not requiring constant WAN-connectivity
√ Power-supply independance with battery-packs
√ Secured issuance process
√ Highly rugged solution
√ Field-proven
√ Flexibly scalable
√ Devices usable for capturing and verification