We look back on a very busy and exciting 9th year in business. It is always a privilege to start the year with many projects already confirmed and hoping for new, interesting mandates. And we know we can't take this for granted.
As always, we don't disclose the names of our clients, but we are honoured to have loyal partners over many years who are developing their footprint and a wide range of exciting projects. We value each one of them, no matter the size of our relationship:

Fascinating, forward looking mandates
2023, we have had some interesting mandates with UN-related bodies, campaign coaching and facilitation, I have co-authored a book on biometrics and we have driven market research projects. With our partners, we are at the heart of the UN's SDG 2030 campaign on civil and business registries, supporting the next generation of breeder documents that lay the groundwork for more reliable basic identity. And at the other end, we're working on digital ecosystems for streamlined eGovernment based on role-based trusted identity, digital signatures and more.
Contribution to the community
For the common good, we've continued and even expanded our expert support for the Swiss standardisation body to ISO and CEN, and are thus close to the groundbreaking and exciting developments with ICAO Digital Travel Credentials, Breeder Documents, the use of biometrics and digital Wallets.
Ecological sensitivity
We have also continued to optimise our ecological footprint this year, with very conscious travel activities and the installation of a photovoltaic system that fully offsets our energy requirements throughout the year.
The foundation of the success - you
We owe this success to customers and friends who have placed their trust and money with us and have remained loyal over the years. It is thanks to our great network of fellow-SECOIAS and partners who are eager to help our customers succeed with their expertise and creativity.
Change in the Board of Directors
As the year draws to a close, it is also time to express my sincere appreciation and gratitude to our Chairman of the Board and my father, Bruno K. Hofstetter. He announced his retirement at our Annual General Meeting. He has been instrumental in preparing me for the exciting and challenging journey of building and running the company. A resourceful and knowledgeable mentor, supporter and practitioner. With a wealth of experience with both start-ups in various sectors and established, well-known brands in the identity and banknote industry, he was resourceful in validating my strategic actions. With his resignation from the Board, he will be able to relax as we enter our 10th anniversary year, and I am grateful that our relationship will remain close (he can’t resign from our family relationship).
With this, the entire SECOIA team wishes you a happy, relaxing, bright and blessed Christmas and a successful and healthy start to the New Year.